10 Reasons You Might Like Confidence
Sep 03, 2016

Inspire your best self with targeted aromatherapy and energy nutrients from nature. CONFIDENCE Emotional Care® Formula is about promoting self-esteem, feeling good about yourself, and reducing anxiety. It whispers, “Spread your wings and fly!” Strengthen your awareness of the invincible spirit within you - dream and remember you can achieve all things.
Stand tall and conquer it all! By expanding positive self-expression you help reduce anger, frustration, anxiety, insecurity and fear. Let go of the past (which could be either minutes or years ago). Release painful memories, misunderstood emotions and self-doubt. Erase limiting beliefs caused by criticism from others that restricts your growth and self-expression. Establish deeper confidence, trust, self-reliance, joy and stability. Nurture the inner child and believe in yourself.
Embrace the beautiful being that you are and your friends will admire your renewed inner power. Focus on your strengths; spread your wings and fly! Give yourself the gift of confidence!
promote: stability, courage, self-reliance*
release: frustration, self-doubt, co-dependency*
support: liver, gallbladder, blood, bones, bladder*
Order Kaliana CONFIDENCE Formula for yourself, child or friend!
Top 10 reasons you might especially love using Kaliana Confidence Formula*:1. inspire imagination, creativity and resourcefulness
2. encourage self–reliance, communication and positive self-expression
3. soften anger, fear and frustration
4. let go of abandonment issues or separation anxiety
5. sensory issues, insecurity, bedwetting; boundary challenges
6. promote self-reliance, self-discipline and independence
7. reduce co-dependent, self-destructive or bad habits
8. release a painful past and strengthen the inner child
9. foster discernment, positive self-expression, and self-worth
10. promote flexibility, adaptability, and ability to transition
Enticing Scent of this Kaliana Fix-Me™ Mist & Deep-Release™ Oil:
CONFIDENCE enticing aroma boosts your self-esteem through an irresistible synergy of sweet floral tangerine topped with warm and woody notes ... grab this self-assured blend of aromas and positive energy to help empower greater confidence within.
Key Benefits of Essential Oils used in Kaliana Mist & Oil:
Sandalwood: grounding, stabilizing & empowering
Tangerine: reduces insomnia, lifts depression & releases anxiety
Neroli: turns on optimism & brightens the mind
Carrot seed: boosts inner strength & releases anxiety
Clove bud: raises clarity & releases nervousness
Kaliana Confidence Blend of 193 trace positive energy nutrients - “like vitamins for your emotions”
Order Kaliana CONFIDENCE Formula for yourself, child or friend!
Most likely Complimentary Formulas: JOY & VITALITY
Some featured CONFIDENCE Reviews:
“The sprays help to create a safe environment that leaves the children more confident. Even the children who are non-verbal clearly let us know they want the sprays and which ones they need.” Norma E. Wright, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist
“It was amazing. We have one child we affectionately called the screamer. He would scream the entire four hours he was here. The first day we used your spray, he screamed two hours instead of four. The second day twenty minutes. The third day four minutes. And we haven't had a problem since." P. Hadley, Director of Mom’s Morning Out
“My son loved using the Confidence formula when he was nervous about starting pre-school. He liked the fact that he could take a few drops all by himself, it made him feel like a big boy. Then, I would sit back and watch him become more courageous about his situation.” L. Marshall
“The Confidence Mist is my child’s favorite. I love it, too. We keep the Mists and Supplements on a low shelf in our pantry. My two-year old will pick out the one he wants using the pictures. We call them "Happy Sprays" in our house. Our pediatrician assured me they are 100% safe. I keep one in my minivan, too. It's perfect for reducing tension and stress while driving.” E. Fackelman
“The product gave me more self-confidence and empowered me to do something that I didn't think I could do. I feel so together and I'm getting so much done. My attitude about work has even changed. I don't want to go a day without them.” C. Mann
“I have been amazed how often Kaliana’s products have helped a child and their family deal with behavior problems, fears, or other stressors.” Wendy G. Talley, MD, FAAP
71% of parents said their child was Happier, Calmer (emotionally), Slept Better, and had Less Temperamental Outbursts.*
Click on the links above to shop for yourself, child or friend! *2008 Pilot Study: Kaliana Products Increase Sleep, Calm, Memory & Happiness in Children
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Download my easy "Key Foods to Help You Feel Happier" eBook FREE. This way, each time you grab something from your pantry, it encourages positive moods and emotions.Please leave your thoughts to inspire others. Are you ever shy or challenged by not enough confidence? What do you do? Share in the comments below.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treat. This information is based on research and knowledge by the author, and the ideas are not intended as substitute for medical advice. As with any products it is suggested that you check with your medical practitioner prior to use. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any products mentioned herein.
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