The Pro-Emotion Revolution
Your Deep Emotions Make You Strong
Founded with Love. by Women. for Women.
Kaliana helps spiritual women gain strength from their experiences and emotions through products, intuitive readings, emotional care blogs, and workshops.
Our line of hand-crafted blends of essential oils and flower essences improve your moods naturally, while also making your skin hydrated and radiant.
Empower yourself to feel the way you choose to feel. The more you make yourself feel calm, the more calm connections your brain creates. Making even the tiniest of steps each day can lead you to a better life in 6 months.
Watch the video below to learn more about The Pro-Emotion Revolution!
What People Are
Saying About Us
“My family and I have been using this oil for years. We LOVE it so much! It really does do everything that it says that it does! Thank you Kaliana for such a true and honest product!”

Marvin J.
“We now go days without fussing with each other, without a major breakdown, without fighting. Almost EVERYTHING was a battle. Now, it’s not.”

Angi C., Mom
“Exceptionally moving, powerful, unbelievably effective, remarkable energy shift’…that is what my patients tell me!”

Dr. S. Martin, DC, DABC
“I love to take your sets with me when I travel. The mists are great for uplifting stale hotel rooms and refreshing myself in the airport lavatory…your boosters support me with all the different clientele I have to face from city to city...and of course I always have one of your concentrates in my purse for using on the airplane...I just take you everywhere I go!”

M.A., Advertising Exec.
“I always have Kaliana in my pocket. I work with clients and families that are grieving various losses...loss of physical and mental abilities, lose of home and belongings, lose of a spouse or family member. Taking the time to rub Kaliana's Comfort Essential Oil into hands and soothing points really makes a difference in these clients and families days. Thank you Kaliana!”

Ellen B., Therapist
“I have been a private client of Kaliana's for over 2 years. Throughout that time, she has helped me shift massively. I feel happiness and joy most of the time. I did not know 2 years ago that this was possible. I am forever grateful for her work and her products!”

Lisa S., Technology
“I love how the oil soaks into my skin making it smell divine! Your products ease the 'roller coaster' of highs last longer, and my lows are not as low."

Lydia M., Dental Hygienist
"The product gave me more self-confidence and empowered me to do something that I didn't think I could do. I feel so together and I'm getting so much done. My attitude about work has even changed. I don't want to go a day without them."

Corinne M., Photographer
“My 13 yr old son had gotten involved with a really rough crowd. I left the mists sitting out in the hallway and to my amazement all of the boys started playing with the mists. I noticed a change in all of them and was able to better reconnect with my son.”