Gratitude Saved Me From Anger
Feb 01, 2016

It was not until now, reflecting back on these past several months, that I realized how big an impact growing up in this way had on me as a person. For example, below is a post I made on Facebook just two weeks after the accident.
"I have a lot of reasons to be angry. I watched my dad and cousin (more like sister) die. I shattered my femur and sliced my heel in half so now almost 100% of my time is spent on a couch, and it's predicted to be that way for 2-3 months. I wasn't able to finish my internship, so I don't know if I'll be able to graduate in August anymore. I wasn't able to enjoy my last month living in Boone with my best friend. I wasn't able to be sad about the best four years of my life being over. I could be sad...but I have more important things to grieve over. So although I should be angry...I'm not.
I don't really know why I wanted to share that...maybe just to say life is all about perspective."
I wanted to share this again to emphasize that there is always something good to focus on. Our attitudes will make or break us. I did not let the anger I could have rightfully felt consume me. I chose and continue to choose to let my pain make me better.
On top of that, in the words of Stephen Colbert, I am learning to "love the thing that I most wish had not happened." I've said it before, and I'll say it again: life is a gift, in all of its magnificence and suffering. I am not picking and choosing the life experiences in which to be grateful to God for, because all of life is a gift. I am choosing to love every moment of my life, even the moments that bring me inexhaustible pain.
I highly, HIGHLY encourage you to begin practicing gratitude. It will truly transform your life.
If you enjoyed this post, you should check out my post about mindfulness. Thank you for reading!
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treat. This information is based on research and knowledge by the author, and the ideas are not intended as substitute for medical advice. As with any products it is suggested that you check with your medical practitioner prior to use. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any products mentioned herein.
2 comments - Share Your Thoughts
AmberL7 |
Kay! “life is a gift, in all of its magnificence and suffering. I am not picking and choosing the life experiences in which to be grateful to God for, because all of life is a gift. I am choosing to love every moment of my life, even the moments that bring me inexhaustible pain.” This is beautifully true. I’m currently reading “Notes To Myself: My Thoughts On Becoming A Person” by Hugh Prather. One of his entries spoke very deeply to me.. “But it’s morning. Within my hands is another day. Another day to listen and love and walk and glory. I am here for another day. I think of those who aren’t.” Through all the things that go on in my head, I keep in the back of my mind that I’m lucky to be able to feel things, that I’m lucky to be able to have another day with my feet on this Earth, that it’s not a bad life it’s just a bad day. You’re one special human! XO
Kaylie Schmidt |
Amber, YOU are one special human! So grateful to have you in my life!!
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