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The Ascended Masters: Who Are They and How Can They Help?

Jun 20, 2024

The Ascended Masters: Who Are They and How Can They Help?

You may have encountered the term “Ascended Masters” while learning about energy healing, archangels, or other spiritual matters.

Ascended Masters are high-vibrational, enlightened Beings of love and light. They are the highest-evolved Beings in the spiritual hierarchy, surpassing guardian angels and spirit guides because they have lived as human beings. During their lives, when faced with difficult situations, they chose to respond with love instead of negative emotions. Responding with kindness and love, rather than anger, frustration, or fear, is a hallmark of personal growth often called "self-mastery.” Mastering one’s negative emotions, especially in challenging situations, moves you toward becoming an "Ascended Master.” Thus, "Saint" and "Ascended Master" are often interchangeable.

The term "Ascended Master" originated within the teachings of Theosophy in the late 19th century, introduced by Helena Blavatsky. Later metaphysical movements, such as the "I AM" Activity by Guy and Edna Ballard in the 1930s, further developed and popularized it. These movements expanded on the concept, describing Ascended Masters as enlightened beings who, by making specific choices, transcended the cycles of both reincarnation and Karma, and then used that wisdom to assist humanity from higher spiritual realms.

We are talking about individuals in Christianity as well as Buddhist, Hindu, and other religions. Some well-known examples are Mother Mary, Buddha, St. Francis, Vishnu, St. Germain, and of course the most well-known teacher of all, Jesus Christ. If you get to experience a connection to one of these Ascended Masters, it is a life-changing experience.

The roles of different Masters may vary, but their purpose is the same: assisting humanity in achieving greater self-love and inner peace through self-mastery.

Not everyone is on a journey of self-mastery. Ask yourself these questions to see if you resonate with this path:

  1. Has your life been riddled with difficulties?  
  2. Do you often ask “Why is this happening to me?” 
  3. Are you seeking to become a better version of yourself? 
  4. Would you be willing to put time, energy, and money into self-help?
  5. Do you ever ask “What would Jesus do?” or “What would be the most positive way to respond to this situation?”
  6. Do you believe your life should be easier than it is? 
  7. Are you looking for guidance to help you?

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, then it is likely that you are in the process of becoming more self-aware and evolving toward being a master. People can ascend to the highest level, to live from the highest expression of their soul. However, it is not an easy path, but one where life in essence does become simpler and more rewarding as you master more and more skills.

Self-mastery involves evolving through increased self-awareness. One becomes happier because you are living your most authentic life. Your joy becomes richer and deeper, and things that would have stressed you in your past, now roll off as almost unnoticeable.

Masters tend to face similar or even greater life challenges than most, but they always seek a method to heal their inner pain and be able to respond with both strength and love. Some examples of this include choosing kindness over yelling at someone, or something much bigger such as seeking a way to forgive the unforgivable.


Are you seeking guidance about a problem? Do you wish you could hear what your guides, angels or Ascended Masters want to tell you? Kaliana began hearing the Divine at age 4. Since 1995, she has been coaching kind-hearted spiritual women with an emphasis on Christian teachings. Would you like a personalized Soul Path Reading? Book a remote session with Kaliana today. Enter the code MYSOULPATH at checkout (for new clients only) to save $100 off!


Before delving into 22 Ascended Masters and their roles, it is important to know three concepts that explain who and what makes them unique:

  1. Karma
  2. Reincarnation
  3. Ascension


The term “karma” has become mainstream, but its true meaning and application are often misunderstood. Many religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, esoteric Christianity, and Kabbalistic Judaism, teach the law of karma in some form.

Karma is the principle that our actions—both positive and negative—create consequences that affect us in this life or future lives. Positive actions generate 'merits,' while negative actions generate 'demerits,' leading to personal pain or heartache. Masters strive to step off the karmic wheel by choosing peace and forgiveness over revenge or anger. They understand that inner peace comes from within and does not require others to change or apologize.

Self-mastery involves stepping off the karmic wheel by choosing forgiveness, compassion, and grace, even when faced with negativity. Masters do not carry anger, resentment, or bitterness; they cleanse themselves of negative emotions while holding others accountable for their actions.

Challenges are essential for personal growth, providing opportunities to become a better version of oneself. Masters view challenges as opportunities to rise to the next level, not as sources of blame.

Even those on the self-mastery journey experience intense negative emotions. However, Masters choose to:

  • Turn inward and face their emotions.
  • Stop using destructive desires to harm others.
  • Purify negative emotions to raise their body's vibration.

Self-mastery is challenging, akin to leveling up in a difficult role-playing video game. One must master inner skills to navigate life's challenges effectively.

By consciously choosing compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, wisdom, and grace in difficult situations, one steps off the karmic wheel and moves closer to self-mastery. For those who believe in reincarnation, karma and self-mastery go hand in hand.


Reincarnation is the belief that after death, the soul is reborn into a new body, allowing it to experience multiple lifetimes. Those who believe in reincarnation think that a single lifetime isn't enough for the soul to fulfill its desires.

The purpose of reincarnation is for the soul to evolve towards enlightenment or reunification with God, Spirit, or Source energy.

Ascended Masters are souls who achieved enlightenment in a single lifetime, or have completed the reincarnation cycle through self-mastery. Instead of returning in human form, they operate from higher dimensions, focusing on teaching, healing, and elevating humanity's spiritual vibration.


Ascension resembles enlightenment in Buddhism, involving individuals actively evolving towards higher consciousness.

Central to ascension is opening the heart to unite with all aspects of one's higher self and with Source, God Energy, or Christ Consciousness.

Ascension is a gradual process of expanding awareness.

It's not about becoming a deity but recognizing oneself as a divine being, a spark of God, and returning to one's true divine nature through ascension.

Ascension can be categorized into five key aspects:

  1. Awakening of the Mind: This occurs during a profound epiphany, triggering significant changes in our lives as we gain enlightened perspectives.
  2. Awakening of a New Personality: As the mind awakens, it fosters self-acceptance and empowerment, leading to the development of a new personality over time.
  3. Awakening of Spiritual Energy: Often referred to as "qi" or life force energy, its awakening can catalyze profound changes across physical and spiritual levels.
  4. Awakening of the Soul: This occurs when individuals feel deeply aligned with their life purpose, fostering virtues like unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness.
  5. Total Awakening: Known as enlightenment or total ego death, this state is characterized by pure awareness, truth, and love, achieved either spontaneously or through years of spiritual discipline.


Meet 18 Ascended Masters

There exist several Ascended Masters who continue to inspire and guide humanity, each with their own unique teachings and spiritual influences. These Masters have walked the path of life on Earth, facing challenges and mastering lessons to achieve enlightenment and unity with the Divine.

They serve as spiritual teachers and leaders from higher realms, assisting humanity in connecting with their higher selves and divine spirit. Each Master carries a divine vibration and offers specific guidance and assistance to those who seek their wisdom.

Here are some of the Ascended Masters from various spiritual traditions:


  1. Jesus Christ - Jeshua, Lord and Savior Jesus is believed to be the Son of God who lived a sinless life and offered himself as a sacrifice for humanity's sins. He provides guidance, healing, and miracles.
    Assists with: clear communication with God, divine guidance, faith, forgiveness, revealing inner beauty, healing, manifestation, and miracles.
  2. Mary - Our Lady of Guadalupe, Virgin Mary Mary is revered as the mother of Jesus and known for her compassion, mercy, and intercession on behalf of humanity.
    Assists with: adoption, children's issues, fertility, mercy, grace, compassion, faith, miracles, and healing.
  3. St Francis - Saint Francis of Assisi St. Francis is celebrated for his humility, love for animals, and dedication to nature and the poor.
    Assists with: animal communication and healing, finding purpose, environmentalism, peace, and spiritual devotion.
  4. Melchizedek - King of Righteousness Melchizedek is associated with universal law and spiritual transformation through enlightenment and alchemical processes.
    Assists with: esoteric knowledge, purification, transformation, miracles, and manifestation.
  5. St John of God - Father of the Poor St. John of God is the patron saint of hospitals, the sick, and healthcare workers, known for his compassion and healing.
    Assists with: anxiety, depression, healing, heart ailments, hospitalization, joy, faith, and spiritual dedication.
  6. St Therese - The Little Flower of Jesus St. Therese is known for her simplicity and devotion to God, symbolized by her promise to send roses as a sign of answered prayers.
    Assists with: gardening, healing, transformation, travel, and spiritual guidance.


  1. Yogananda - Paramahansa Yogananda Yogananda introduced Kriya Yoga to the West, emphasizing meditation, unity of religions, and spiritual healing.
    Assists with: peace, unity of beliefs, yoga practice, divine love, and healing.
  2. Babaji - The Deathless Avatar Babaji is associated with Kriya Yoga and spiritual enlightenment, aiming to guide humanity closer to God.
    Assists with: breath work, yoga practice, simplifying life, detachment, protection, clear communication with God, overcoming addictions.
  3. Krishna - The Divine One Krishna is revered as the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, known for his role in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, and teachings on joy and spiritual awakening.
    Assists with: romantic love, relationships, joy, spiritual awakening, and vegetarianism.
  4. Kali - Goddess of Transformation Kali represents the fierce aspect of the Divine Mother, destroying ignorance and ego to facilitate spiritual growth.
    Assists with: determination, courage, protection, finding light in darkness, compassion, and forgiveness.


  1. Buddha - The Enlightened One Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, attained enlightenment and taught the Middle Way to achieve inner peace and happiness.
    Assists with: inner peace, spiritual growth, compassion, tolerance, acceptance, and understanding.
  2. Quan Yin - Goddess of Mercy Quan Yin embodies compassion and mercy, aiding in spiritual enlightenment, protection, and healing.
    Assists with: compassion, mercy, spiritual gifts, protection, and peace.

Greek Mythology:

  1. Diana - Goddess of the Hunt and Moon Diana is revered as a symbol of purity and protector of women and nature, associated with childbirth and the moon.
    Assists with: fertility, childbirth, focus, and connection with nature.
  2. Serapis Bey - Egyptian/Greek Master Serapis Bey guides initiates through spiritual ascension, encouraging spiritual enlightenment and discipline.
    Assists with: ascension, clear communication with God, exercise, fulfillment of destiny, and creativity.

Celtic Mythology:

  1. Guinevere - Goddess of Love and Fertility Guinevere embodies aspects of maiden, mother, and crone, associated with love, fertility, and balance.
    Assists with: romantic love, women's issues, relationship balance, and personal growth.

Mystical and Esoteric Traditions:

  1. St Germain - The Count of Saint-Germain St. Germain is associated with alchemy and spiritual transformation, particularly through the violet flame.
    Assists with: alchemy, courage, direction, life purpose, manifestation, perseverance, and psychic protection.
  2. El Morya - Master of God's Will El Morya emphasizes dedication to God's will and provides guidance in decision-making and spiritual stability.
    Assists with: decision-making, faith, stability, and psychic protection.
  3. Kuthumi - Master Psychologist Kuthumi, known for his wisdom and teachings, assists in maintaining focus, wisdom, and spiritual balance.
    Assists with: focus, wisdom, patience, problem-solving, and higher consciousness.


Which Ascended Master Guides You? 

Ask yourself, what are you needing to learn at this point in your life?

Life is a long journey for most, and at different phases we each require different forms of support and assistance.

Each individual is backed up by a team of Ascended Masters. Yes, a team. Depending on what you are going through, which Masters are watching over you and available in support. Some masters stay with you your entire life, such as Christ or Buddha. Others are available just for periods of time when needed.

How to Connect With the Ascended Masters

Whether you are seeking guidance, healing, or wisdom, you can call on Ascended Masters. These beings have already acquired vast knowledge and mastered the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of their lives. 

Due to their wisdom and experience, these Masters can serve as your spiritual guide, healer, and teacher. Like Angels, we can open ourselves to them through conscious contact...

They are there to help us deepen our spiritual understanding and raise our personal vibration.

The easiest way to connect with a master is to open your heart in order to start a two-way connection. Sit, envision your heart like a flower bud, and use your intention to help the flower gently spread its petals open. Ask your Ascended Masters to help you release your pain and expand your heart to hold so much love that it spills out of you.This practice is one to be done repeatedly, over weeks and months as you continue to grow. 

The Masters can visit you in your dreams, during meditations or intuitive readings, and even everyday events in your life. They may have you take note of the words in a song, or a verse in a book.


Tips to connect with the Ascended Masters: 

  • Find a quiet place that feels clear and sacred to you. Safely, light a candle, burn incense, or use vibrational tools as you prefer
  • Take a number of deep breaths. Ask for a light of protection to surround you. Then say an affirmative prayer of intention to connect with a specific master. 
  • Call on the master that you feel most connected with, by thinking about that particular master. Then, focus on that thought and reflect silently. 
  • Additionally, You can tone (make sounds or hum), write what comes to you without thinking in a journal (called automatic writing), or listen for sounds, colors, geometric shapes, images or visions. Guidance comes in many forms.
  • You may ask for direct guidance regarding any issue in your life.
  • Remember at the end, to thank God and the beings who provided guidance. 

There is a tangible change in you once you have truly opened your heart, body and mind to receive the energy from your Ascended Master. You feel different on the inside, and you become a better version of yourself in your life and interactions. In the Christian tradition, this is often when people say they are “born again” because their experience with Christ was so deeply tangible and transformative.

Ascended Masters are always available to you. Do not feel duress if you cannot tangibly feel yours. Remember, you have likely felt disconnected for a long time. And you are working to reestablish your connection. Kind of like if your cell service or internet went down.  The best way to achieve a connection is to let go of control, and that is difficult for most. You must surrender and trust enough to allow their presence to merge with you. Surrender and trust are not things that come naturally to most people. This is why it is a skill and takes practice.

When you allow your Master to merge with you, the energy around you suddenly feels expansive in a positive and beautiful way. It could be described as a “body buzz” as your vibration lifts, transforms and expands. You might use the words ‘big”, “light”, “bright”, or “expanded” to describe how you feel 

Their energy often comes in forms of pouring light or very strong love. Thus, it is essential to be receptive. 

Upon your connection with an Ascended Master, you may experience a surge of strong emotions, see visions of radiant light, or feel a higher level of energy. It is a very tangible experience that you remember the rest of your lifetime. 

If you are uncertain as to whether you have allowed yourself to interact with your Master(s), then you have not had this profound experience yet. The experience is undeniable to you, regardless if other’s believe it happened or not. You KNOW.


Connecting with Ascended Masters and guides takes practice. Just like some people become great chefs and others great musicians, becoming talented at connecting and hearing guides takes practice. Kaliana has spent her entire life connecting and communicating with them, listening to their guidance. It started happening when she was 4 after she had a traumatic accident. If you would like to ask questions of your Ascended Masters and hear their responses, sign up for a personal remote Soul Path Reading with Kaliana.  If this is your first session, enter the special code MYSOULPATH at checkout to get $100 off! Grab a session now and tell your best friend too, before this special offer goes away! 

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